Myš- revizor komorowy Výpravca-powalač peronowy
Potkan-gangster kanalowy Lekár-lapač bacilowy
Holub-obsranec dochovy Policajt-chlopak pokutowy
Veverička-potkan stromowy Fekálny voz-govnocuc
Kamzík-koza turystyčna Motorka=zaprtkalo-chlopa vzalo
Jež-kaktus pochodowy Rýchlik-šalena mašina
Blcha-turysta košulovy Zubná kefka-ščetka papulowa
Klavír-brnkotruhlík drewianny Holiaci strojcek-kombajn bajuzowy
Včela-seremed Osa-nemseremed Čmeliak-nemseremed turbo
Kamzík-terénkoza Upratovačka-hándrošmátra
Vrátnik-čumako Robotník-makaj akopako
Atómová bomba-samajama domyfuč Potápač-čumizgumi
Tvrdá potreba-pučioči
Predajňa mäsa-čumnahák Rozhľadňa=čumsem-čumtam
Slovenská cesta-samajama
Policajt-don debilitto Dopravný policajt-don debilitto transportéro
Tajný agent-don debilitto inkognito Policajt-nováčik=don debilitto amatéro
Policajný prezident-don debilitto maximo Obuvník-don mokasíno
Záchodová služba-don fekalína, doňa fekalína
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Breaking Stereotypes: The Understanding of Mad about in Gay Men
(EgorBrerb, 4. 5. 2023 8:27)
Love knows no bounds and is not little to any gender or propagative orientation. Gay men have proven this time and again with their handsome relationships built on man, guardianship, and mutual respect. In spite of the stereotypes and predilection that exist in our society, gay men be suffering with demonstrated their capacity to liking way down and meaningfully.
One of the significant challenges that gay men mask in their relationships is the societal press that dictates what a "normal" relationship should look like. These pressures may initiate to self-doubt and insecurities, making it ill-behaved pro gay men to accept their feelings and precise their love. As a result, some may vacillating up hiding their relationships or crave the need to observe to societal expectations, leading to tense relationships.
In any event, the enjoy between two people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, is unique and should be celebrated. Communication and high-strung intimacy are indispensable in construction and maintaining a sturdy relationship. Gay men entertain shown occasion and again that they are not regretful to be sensitive and emotionally meaningful, primary to stronger and more intimate relationships.
It is crucial to extol and admit the diversity of liking, including love between gay men. Their relationships are no different from any other and should not be judged based on stereotypes or societal expectations. We should learn to appreciate the deepness of solicitude that exists between two people and have a party it, regardless of their procreative orientation.
In conclusion, gay men take proven that they are proficient of deep, important woman that transcends societal prejudices and stereotypes. They warrant to get their relationships valued and prominent, just like any other individual. Via accepting and celebrating the departure of love, we can imagine a more broad and accepting society.
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(IrinaVox, 4. 5. 2023 0:49)
Ahoj všetci!
Sme rodina z Talianska:)
Chceme vám povedať o našich skúsenostiach s cestovaním z Európy do Ruska, bolo potrebné sa dostať do Petrohradu v Rusku po prílete do Fínska( letisko Vantaa), ale všetky európske spoločnosti teraz prestali pracovať a bolo ťažké nájsť individuálny transfer (
Priatelia navrhli jednu Rusko-fínsku spoločnosť, Transfer358 Oy, a viete, všetko šlo dobre!
Dostali sme sa tam bez problémov, vodič pomohol s batožinou, priniesol ju na trhy na ceste, navrhol veľa zaujímavých vecí o Rusku a Petrohrade)
Potešilo ma, že ich webová stránka je v rôznych jazykoch vrátane taliančiny:
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